Ticket deals are available for every Greenville Triumph match day. Specialty deals are for select matches. Fees and taxes are not included in price. Ticket Deals are only available online and over the phone in advance and not available on match day. Plus add-on options available for merchandise.
Specialty Deals
Everyday Deals

- All-inclusive food & beverage (Beer, wine, soda)
- Reserved area for high-top dining behind goal
- Padded seating
- Must purchase 2 or more

Center Circle
- Individual molded stadium seats with arm rests
- Located at center field
- Must purchase 2 or more

Sideline Preferred
- Individual molded stadium seats with arm rests
- Behind home and away benches
- Must purchase 2 or more

- Bleacher-style seating
- Behind home and away benches
- Must purchase 2 or more

General Admission
- Bleacher-style seating
- Best value
- Optional seating near supporter’s section
- Must purchase 2 or more